You still at your job? I thought you were supposed to quit six months ago.
Before you even start with that “well, what had happened was…” let’s talk real quick.
You know what needs to be done because you’re not new to this. Plus, you’ve purchased course after course. They’ve given you everything you thought you “needed” to know and do. However, you haven’t been able to make the curl go all the way around for the business that you’ve set up. It’s not looking the way you dreamed or desired it to be.
Which is keeping you in a state of overwhelm and confusion.
You’re operating on the hope that what you’ve been doing will just keep working. It’ll get you to the state of stability and sustainability that you’re seeking.
The hard truth, it won’t. Hope isn’t an acceptable form of payment for those all-inclusive girl’s trips.
I know what others may call a side hustle is truly a calling for you. That’s the reason that you decided to leap out there in the first place. There are souls out here that you’ve been called to impact in a major way. You can’t do that in the way that you want while still pouring the majority of your energy into someone else’s vision.
You know you can’t get where you need to be pouring all of your efforts and energy into someone else’s dream.
This LIT VIP Intensive is geared to get you all the way right for your transition & next level in business!
We’ll use proven techniques that have helped my clients create 6 and multi-6-figure sustainable businesses while attracting and securing invested clients that you’ve been itching to work with.
Here’s what we’ll cover during your intensive:
What you'll do before our session:
- Complete a Business Self Assessment
- Prepare yourself to dominate your industry!
What we'll do during our session:
- Review your current business model and reframed strategy so that we ensure that you’re aligning your business with your vision and you’re primed to DELIVER for your clients.
- Tweak your offer to ensure that you're optimized for profitability and aligned with your authentic delivery style
- Select the best launch strategy that compliments your strengths. Mapping your strengths to your launch engager & strategy results in a better experience for both you and your audience. When you’re allowed to show up in a way that’s more genuine and authentic to you, then you’ll connect to your ideal clients and actually see your launch through.
- Create your launch calendar and outline deliverables. Why? Because we want you to be clear about what you need to be focused on and doing each day. Having a clear timeline and deliverables will allow you to delegate, tweak, and have a greater sense of calm during a time that can be known for being stressful.
- Identify the tools you need to stay grounded and centered during the more stressful times during a launch cycle. Having these tools at the ready will be essential to both your practical and spiritual toolkit.
Imagine your coach telling you to take a long bath right in the middle of your ‘open cart’ to re-align yourself with your intentions and goals for your launch. Trust me, it works!
-Outline your after-launch sales plan & strategy. The launch isn’t over until we say it’s over. We leave no money on the table. There’s a sweet spot right after you close your cart, so you want to be prepared to leverage that time in the cycle.
LIT Bonus: Review your ELI (Energy Leadership Index) to uncover which tools would best serve you in managing your stress. This bonus is a MAJOR eye-opener to those unknown triggers, reactions, and self-sabotaging responses. Having this in your toolbox can be extremely useful, especially during those triggering launch times.
Just think… having a high sense of awareness and a plan for those triggering times and being able to say “oh, I know what this is”, address it, know how to ask for support, and be able to move forward with more ease.
What you'll walk away with:
Most importantly, you walk away with the confidence, clarity, and direction you need to actually implement and execute a strategy that’s aligned with your strengths. One that has the clarity that you need to keep you moving forward.
You’ll also have the plan you need to make the key tweaks in your business that are necessary for you to solidify the foundation for your next level of growth.
Growth isn’t just about an increase in money. Although, that’s most certainly an important component.
Growth is also about having sustainable yet dynamic systems, structures, and processes that grow with you.
#TheAlignedStrategy: Business Reframe Recap ($4000)
- LIT-Y Business Model that aligns with the business you actually want! ($1000)
- LIT-Y Launch & Marketing Strategy that will be your foundational launch strategy that leverages your strengths & talents. How best to deploy it and essential support tools to help you execute. ($2000)
- LIT-Y Profitable Offer you’re hella excited to deliver and is primed for impact & results. this is the Bawse offer that you’ve been dreaming of delivering because you know that you’ll enjoy showing up for your audience and pouring your genius over them! ($1000)
#TheActionPlan: Launch Execution System ($3000)
- Your personal Launch funnel w/
- Launch Timeline
- Project Task breakdown
- Sales Follow-up Strategy
- Offer onboarding process
#TheLITSupport: Telegram Access ($3000)
- One week of unlimited access after our day of plotting your domination for any follow-up questions and implementation support.
The overall cost of these services would add up to over $10,000 if purchased separately.
The value of this intensive is well over $15,000. Because of the resources and strategies that you’ll apply to your business, they’ll become the foundational components of your marketing, sales, and delivery.
However, that’s not the investment you’ll have to make today!
The “I’m ready to swipe” question:
The investment of this intensive is $1997 OR a deposit of $850, then 2 bi-weekly payments of $850.
(Please Note: The full payment has to be submitted before you can schedule your session.)
The goal of this intensive is to move you out of the space of confusion and fear and into the space of courage and action. It’s time for you to show up all the way in your business, while you’re still leveraging the “safety” of your job.
I can’t wait to plot your takeover with you!
Let’s Get It!